Martedì 6 luglio, dalle ore 15.40 in poi, il gruppo di ricerca del CeSDirSan coordinato da M.A. Sandulli e costituito da F. Aperio Bella, N. Posteraro e M. Sinisi, nell’ambito della Conferenza Internazionale ICON•S MUNDO, presenterà gli esiti della ricerca condotta in questi mesi sul futuro del diritto sanitario.

In particolare, si parlerà di bigdata, responsabilità sanitaria e fascicolo sanitario elettronico.
All’incontro, cui parteciperà anche L. Lorenzoni con un intervento sul ripensamento delle procedure amministrative di controllo a fronte dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie in medicina, si potrà partecipare on line seguendo le istruzioni indicate al seguente link:

Qui di seguito, l’abstract del panel:
Shaping The Future of Health Law: Challenges for Public Law.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic public law response, we are facing the opening of a new chapter for national, European and global health governance. We cannot forecast the outcomes of the Global Health Summit of May, but we may expect that the ‘Rome Declaration‘ will involve issues related to new health technologies. The pandemic shed light on the urgence to focus on ICT as a tool to deliver services outside the hospital network, developing new forms of territorial and home care. If E-Health is a key for the future of health law, it presents significant challenges for public lawyers, concerning questions of its safety, efficacy, and desirability due to the re-shaping of the doctor-patient relationship. What are the defining features of public law approaches to new health technologies? The panel focus on tools and legal consequences resulting from the redefinition of the doctor-patient relationship from liability and administrative control procedures perspectives.